Sunday, February 9, 2014

Worcester City Council familiar with circus
Fenruary 7,2014
Worcester,MA--The City Council voted Tuesday night to allow circuses and traveling shows to continue using wild and exotic animals when performing in the city. 

Good for them. Let's hope, however, that this love for the circus doesn't push councilors to turn their chamber into a big top, a difficult temptation to resist since winning elections have a tendency to sometimes make humble candidates act like big cats — just ask former city councilor Bill Eddy about that. 

I understand it was first-time City Councilor Michael Gaffney who pushed Tuesday's vote to put a stop to what he believes is a conspiracy to close down circuses and petting zoos. 

"This is a first step of saying we shouldn't have animals, period," he reportedly said

Regardless of his "First of May" status, which is what novice performers or workers in their first season on the circus are called, Councilor Gaffney really ought to try and save his "Stars and Stripes Forever" alarm (the circus emergency signal) for worthy agenda items. 

I am sure he is no Joey (clown), but the following points and recommendations will go a long way in helping him and his colleagues provide residents with a Sunday school council, which in circus-speak would be a council that is clean and aboveboard. 
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