Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Circus, clowns, fun headed to towns across the East
By Andrew Ruiz, Digital Journalist
Mar 25, 2014

WINTERVILLE, N.C. - The circus is coming to town this week.

And the Cole Brother's clowns are pulling out all of their tricks to get you to come out.

Tuesday morning, Lew-E The Clown performed in front a few dozen kids at the Open Door Ministries School in Winterville.

The room was full of laughter and fun.

Lew-E says that's what the circus is all about.

"The circus is a very exciting tradition, you know, grandparents and parents remember going to the circus as when they were a child,” said Lew-E The Clown. “So when they can come the circus and bring their children and precariously live through their children and remember the days, it's a very exciting thing for everyone involved."

The circus will be in Greenville this weekend before heading to Kinston, Washington and Jacksonville.

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