Saturday, March 22, 2014

Circus faces action

FROM: Gulf Daily News, 
"The voice of Bahrain"
March 22, 2014
LEGAL action could be taken against a travelling circus for abandoning six lions and two tigers in Bahrain.

Police patrols were yesterday stationed at a scrapyard in Salmabad to secure the cats, which were left behind by Troy International Circus.

Authorities initially planned to transport the animals to Al Areen Wildlife Park, following a four-hour rescue operation that started at 11pm on Thursday night.

However, logistical problems prevented them from carrying out the plans, but park officials told the GDN the animals were being closely monitored.

"The animals are in good condition and since they are circus animals they are used to cages," said Al Areen deputy general co-ordinator Dr Adel Al Awadhi.
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