Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Circus Time
From: westseattleherald.com
By Georgie Bright Kunkel
One is never too old to be wide eyed at the circus. I found that out when my fellow and I were invited to Teatro ZinZanni recently. Just the thought of going to the circus venue again brought back memories of my childhood when the circus would come to our little town of Chehalis. During the day I could look out the south window in the upstairs of my home and see animals grazing. At night I could see the southern stars. But in the summer there would be the excitement of watching the big circus tent rise, enticing us little town residents to venture out on Riverside Road to experience the wonderful circus acts inside the big top.

Now fast forward to the city of Seattle under the wonderful circus tent at Teatro ZinZanni. Four of us sat being waited on as a parade of servers carried in each dinner course—first soup, then salad and then main dish ending with Baklava. In the center aisle the aerialists performed unbelievable acts of rope climbing and contortionists bent their bodies into impossible shapes. The marvelous head of ceremonies drew audience members to center stage and they became part of the act. And guess who was drawn out into the center of the big tent—yes, me. Most of those who had already been on stage were compliant but I held my own. When told that we were going to dance I remarked, “I don’t dance with anyone but dance rock and roll all by myself.” The M.C. didn’t give up and was determined to plant a kiss on my cheek but I politely pulled away and said, “Only my fellow gets to kiss me.” as I disappeared back into the audience.
read the rest of the story at:

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