Monday, March 17, 2014

Family-run WA circus banned by Perth councils

Joseph Ashton said his circus puts on a good family show, with no swearing or nudity, and doesn't understand why some Perth councils are trying to stop them.
by Chenee Marrapodi Journalist
March 17, 2014
Joseph Ashton said his circus puts on a good family show, with no swearing or nudity, and doesn't understand why some Perth councils are trying to stop them.
Some councils across Perth have banned what should be a fun and affordable night out for local families by preventing a WA family-run circus to perform.
Fremantle, Mosman Park and Cambridge are some of the councils that have policies preventing animal acts from being performed on council-owned property in the interest of animal welfare.
Joseph Ashton, owner of Circus Joseph Ashton, said councils have taken the side of animal activists without inspecting the circus for themselves.

There are 16 horses (including miniatures and ponies) and five dogs that perform in Circus Joseph Ashton.
"If you're worried about the animals come down and look at them in the paddocks. There's no way you can hide things in the circus - we're open 24/7," Mr Ashton said.
Mr Ashton said his circus puts on a good family show, with no swearing or nudity, and doesn't understand why councils are trying to stop them.
"It's certainly safer than the TV or opening up something on the internet as far as children are concerned and we know that. In saying that there's people out there that want us wiped of the face of the earth" he said.
Mayor for the Town of Mosman Park Ron Norris said he has not had any applications for circuses for a long time.
"The policy is relatively old but it does reflect community values, in that circuses involving animals – particularly caged animals – were way out of date and just not appropriate for modern times." Mr Norris said.
The Ashton's keep their animals in paddocks at each location, with what Mr Ashton said is ample space for them to move.
Despite the Town of Mosman Park's policy stating "all applications for circuses using performing animal acts to use Council facilities be rejected", Mr Norris said the policy works on a case-by-case basis.
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