Monday, March 3, 2014


March 3, 2014 

Aurora, Ohio - Evan Webster, Worshipful Master of the W.K. Ricksecker Masonic Lodge # 606 in Aurora announced today that the Lodge is again sponsoring the Kelly Miller Circus for the fourth straight year.  The circus known as America’s One Ring Wonder will be in Aurora July 20 for two performances.

“The circus is becoming an annual event and residents of Aurora have supported the Lodge in its efforts to bring wholesome live family entertainment to Aurora," Webster said. "The Circus is a great opportunity to spend quality time with the family.”

Former Aurora Mayor Jim Fisher said this about the circus event, “When I heard that the Kelly Miller Circus was returning to Aurora for the 4th straight year in a row, I was very pleased. Last year Mary Jo and I attended the circus for the first time in many years and we couldn’t believe what a great show it was. In fact if we hadn’t had a prior engagement, we would have stayed for the second performance. This is a great summer event for the Aurora Community."

Kelly Miller Circus based in Hugo, Oklahoma left winter quarters in early February and is playing towns in Texas along the U.S. – Mexican border.  Every year the circus plays 211 towns and cities in 13 states throughout the United States and annually travels 10,900 miles. The circus is owned by John Ringling North II who was named for his famous uncle the John Ringling North of Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey fame. John annually looks forward to the shows visit to Aurora.

Prices for tickets and ticket outlets will be announced later

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