Friday, April 4, 2014

Circus elephant returns to venue where she was shot to perform

From:, today show
by Julianne Cassidy
Apr. 3, 2014
Carol the elephant from Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus is returning to Tupelo, Miss., to perform at the place she was shot almost one year ago to the day. However, who shot her remains a mystery, and local police are still looking for leads.

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"Witnesses heard the gunshot around 2 a.m. on April 9, [2013], then saw a white SUV speed away from the parking lot," reports Today. No one has been able to identify the shooter despite a $33,750 reward.
Since the shooting, however, security has heightened around the animals during the night. Semi-trucks now encircle them so that they are not seen. "This week, Tupelo Police told NBC News they will increase patrols at the arena while the circus is in town," further reports Today.
Elephants are protected by the Federal Endangered Species Act, and Carol's trainers are still hoping for one tip that leads them to the arrest of the shooter. If you do know something about the drive-by, you're urged to call 1-800-773-TIPS to reach the Northeast Mississippi Crimestoppers.

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