Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Life is a circus for University alumni

Photos: Rob Blackburn.
By Monique Edwards
The 2014 Circus Oz ensemble is made up of 12 performers, with high-flying skills and talents ranging from acrobatics and dancing to music and unicycling.
Ben Hendry is one of two core musicians in the ensemble’s band, specialising in drums.
“I feel great. I’ve been working with Circus Oz for about six weeks and I’m still getting up every morning and looking forward to coming to work,” Mr Hendry says.
“The new show is amazing, it’s fantastic. I’m realising that not many people in Australia would have seen this stuff, let alone the world. There are skills going on here that are really breaking new ground. It’s so exciting.”
Fellow ensemble member Lilikoi Kaos is a circus performer with skills including hula hoops and flying trapeze.
“Circus Oz is one of Australia’s most well-known contemporary circuses. It’s really exciting to be a part of that legacy that has been going on for 36 years,” Miss Kaos says.
“Our ensemble has been called from all around Australia, and it’s really exciting to see skills that maybe didn’t have the opportunity to be shown to such a extensive audience before.”
For both performers, a passion for the arts came from an early age.

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