Saturday, March 8, 2014

Cole Bros. Circus has called DeLand home for more than 55 years
By Erika Webb
Posted: 2014 Mar 07 

DeLand is unique in many ways, but one standout fact is residents don't say the circus is coming to town. It lives there.

Busy hands were all about Cole Bros.' winter quarters Feb. 27. No longer do elephants trumpet and tigers roar on the 17 acres, once the Volusia County Fairgrounds, abutting the railroad tracks. Simple economics and prudence determined the massive animals should be leased.

Year-round feeding and tending is expensive. Insurance premiums are exorbitant.

The world's largest circus under the big top has outlasted hundreds of circuses since its origin in the mid-1800s.

It came to DeLand in 1956 because of the railroad, said Senior Marketing Director Chuck Werner.

"That was the same year Ringling Brothers said the American circus is done," Mr. Werner said.

That season -- 1956-57 -- Cole Bros. converted its show from railroad to truck and each year, from March through November, around 150 complementary personnel travel to more than 100 cities and towns with performers, animals and concessionaires to entertain the masses who still feel the magic under the tent.

Technology can't trump certain feats.

"Kids are starting to realize, at the circus, the guy really does get shot out of a cannon and it's not special effects," Mr. Werner said.

Some DeLand residents remember when, during setup each year near the airport, elephants could be seen pulling the poles for the main tent.

"The government stopped that," said Cole Bros. President and CEO John Pugh -- a story unto himself.
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It’s circus time
Melissa McCaghren/Banner-Press 
March 6, 2014

Brenham TX--Workers raise a massive tent for the Carson & Barnes Circus Wednesday morning at the Washington County fairgrounds. The circus performed later in the evening.

Circus comes to town, brings protests to coliseum

By Haley Hernandez
Mar 05, 2014
Haley Hernandez talks with Ringling Bros Animal Trainer, Ryan Henning

Circus pricing

From: Long Island Business News
MARCH 6, 2014 
It’s been a really long time since my husband and I got to do something great with the family. That’s why it was especially great to go to Nassau Coliseum last night to see the circus with my two children. They have never been the circus, and to be honest, I haven’t been to one in a long time.

The show itself was fantastic. Seeing seven motorcyclists in the “Sphere of Death” all at once was quite amazing, and the trapeze artists performed exemplary. Couple that with the fire jugglers, the animals,the dancers and bicyclists, and the show really was worth the price of the ticket, which rang in at a bit above $17 once you included the always annoying Ticketmaster fees.

However, I reacted with severe disdain at the cost of everything else. Since it was their first time at the circus, I wanted to get the kids circus-food staples, such as cotton candy and popcorn. When I was a kid, I used to love getting those light-up plastic toys to swing around when it got dark during the show. Well, much to my chagrin, cotton candy was $14, those light-up thingies were $25 each, a snow cone was $14, all of which made the modest $12 parking fee seem reasonable.

Why does it seem like even the most simple, family friendly things have to be so overpriced? It sucks all the joy out of these things. We were preparing for a trip to the circus, so I was able to swing the extra money to see my kids smile, but I wouldn’t be able to do that more than once a year. And that’s sad, folks. Whether it be Ringling Brothers inflating the costs of things, or just how expensive it is to have fun now (have you seen what it costs to take the family to the movies?), it won’t be often we can afford the circus. And you can forget a vacation to Disney any time soon.

Looks like even though the night was a great one, $200 or so later, I lament that it won’t be happening more often. From now on, the backyard is going to be our fun house.

Tracy Diaz is a relationship manager at Town & Country Dental Studios. Follow her on Twitter @tracybeanz.
C!RCA brings fast-paced circus acts to Myrna

C!RCA acrobats will be at the Myrna Loy Center on Tuesday, March 18.
March 6, 2014
Helena MT--Ladies and gentleman, boys and girls… take your seats, hold onto your hats and prepare to be amazed as C!RCA acrobats battle the clock to bring you 46 Circus Acts in 45 Minutes. It’s fast, furious fun for the whole family.

C!RCA will perform at the Myrna Loy Center on Tuesday, March 18, at 7:30 p.m.

Acrobats bend, fly, juggle and balance to battle the clock. With mounting pressure, each act, some ironic, some anarchic, some plain silly and others awe-inspiring, crystallizes into a small but perfect moment. Featuring four cirque talents with expertise in such disciplines as aerial acrobatics, hand balancing, contortion and hilarious clowning, “46 Circus Acts in 45 Minutes” is a zany salvo of traditional and not-so-traditional circus stunts. C!RCA pushes physical limits with a poetic sensibility.

From Brisbane, Australia, C!RCA is a bold new vision of contemporary circus. A blending of bodies, light, sound and skills. A place where acrobatics and movement meld into a seamless whole. A celebration of the expressive possibilities of the human body at its extremes. Since 2006 C!RCA has toured to 22 countries across five continents.

C!RCA will be doing special performances for all Helena area third-, fourth- and fifth-graders in addition to their performance at the Myrna Loy Center. Tickets for the performance are $15. Tickets can be purchased by calling the Myrna Loy Box Office at 443-0287 or online at

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Circus is in the North Charleston Coliseum, animal-rights sideshow in the parking lot
Brian Hicks
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
When Ringling Bros. comes to town, it's always a three-ring circus.

And that's just the parking lot.

On Wednesday, animal-rights activists will be corralled in the North Charleston Coliseum's "free speech zones" to protest our annual visit from the Ringling Bros. and Barnum and Bailey Circus. Wednesday night is the first of eight Lowcountry performances of this year's edition of "the greatest show on Earth."

But the folks who will be outside say this isn't a great show, it's a house of horrors.

For the past week, people from around the country have bombarded local media with forwarded emails from PETA, trying to draw attention to what it says are the atrocities of circus life for the animals that perform in them.

Mostly, they have provided Ringling Bros. with a lot of free publicity.

The activists say these large animals were not built to travel, are treated cruelly during training and live a life of bondage. One of the emails notes that "bears, elephants, tigers, lions and other animals do not voluntarily ride bicycles, stand on their heads, balance on balls, or jump through rings of fire."

Huh. Who would have guessed?

Of course, maybe elephants and tigers can't ride bikes in India because they don't have city officials there willing to shut down entire lanes of traffic for them.
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Luray Aerial Saw Trimming
Suggested by Hartland Smith

Uploaded on Jan 16, 2012
Haverfield Aviation is currently providing aerial side-trimming services to the utility and pipe-line industries throughout the United States. Aerial trimming is a quick and effective way to limit outages caused by neglected vegetation.

This service will focus on transmission and distribution line corridors for electric utilities, as well as pipeline corridors for the gas industry. Haverfield Aviation brings over 25 years of right-of-way (ROW) flight experience to this market.

Our pilots operate our helicopter mounted saw with pinpoint accuracy. The aerial saw is powered by a compact fuel injected engine, with low emission operations and is able to side-trim a 20' path of vegetation an average three miles per day (both sides).

It is Haverfield Aviation's goal to consistently offer specific products and procedures to support the performance and reliability of both the electric transmission grid and the pipeline industry.
2014 Strawberry Festival in Plant City FL .. as seen through Google

Published on Mar 2, 2014
2014 annual Strawberry Festival in Plant City FL .. all stills and video were shot with Google Glass
Circus performers in King’s Lynn keeping in touch with crisis-hit Ukraine

The four Ukrainians with Circus Mondao, which has come to King's Lynn. 
Picture: Matthew Usher.
by David Bale
Thursday, March 6, 2014 
Four Ukrainians in the Circus Mondao act now playing in King’s Lynn are having to put thoughts of their crisis-hit homeland to the back of their minds.
Boston-based Circus Mondao is back in Lynn with a brand new production that includes two clowns, Mila and Alex Manger and two trapeze artistes, Nina Babicheva and Andrii Babichev from Ukraine.

While they are all excited about performing for the first time in the UK, they are understandably desperate to keep up to date with what’s happening in their homeland.

Nina Babicheva left Ukraine last month when she said the trouble seemed to be confined to the capital city, Kiev.

In the last month the country has hit the headlines across the world with the pro-Moscow president Viktor Yanukovych being ousted by anti-government demonstrators backing closer ties with the European Union.

Russian troops have now moved into the Crimean region of Ukraine with international observers set to be deployed to the country.

Nina Babicheva comes from the central part of the country and is neither particularly pro-European Union nor pro-Russian.

She said: “The problem is that people in the west of Ukraine want closer ties with the European Union and people in the east of Ukraine want to be closer to Russia.

“What we want is to see Ukraine return to being a peaceful country. If people want to be closer to EU it’s okay, and if they want to be closer to Russia, that’s okay too. Please, we don’t want war.”
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Circus animals left hungry, in the lurch
Mar 6, 2014
MARGAO: The woes of the workers at the circus camp site in Margao don't seem to end as they are now facing water, power and food shortage while some of the workers have decided to pack up their bags and head home.

For starters, the electricity department has sent a notice to the camp site informing that they are to cut the power supply and that no extension could be served due to the non-clearance of existing bills with the department. The workers are facing a similar case with a private contractor who used to supply them water via a tanker and the canteen contractor, both who have made it clear that they would not be in a position to continue their services.

With no income being generated and the fact that the circus workers have not even been paid, their future seems bleak and most of them have decided to shift to Kudal, Maharashtra, where the next circus event was scheduled to take place while others are heading back to their native hometown.

The situation is worse when it comes to the feeding of the four elephants, five horses, a camel, 14 dogs, 3 goats and 17 parrots at the site.

Additional principal chief conservator of forests Richard D'Souza said that the government cannot provide food to the animals at the circus camp site and that the forest department can only intervene on directions from the government.

He added that if any NGO had to complain to the government about the malnourished animals then the government would direct the forest department to feed them and that they could take a decision on that. He said that if a decision is taken to feed the animals, then the animals would be have to shifted to Bondla wildlife sanctuary first.
Laura Harris at Florida Strawberry Festival

ABC Action News
Published on Feb 27, 2014
Circus Flora returns for 28th season
by Margie Ellisor
March 5, 2014

ST. LOUIS, MO (KTVI) – Circus Flora, powered by Ameren, returns for its 28th season to present The Pawn, a journey back to the lands where chess began. Circus Flora Executive Director Joel Emery and juggler Kellin Quinn stopped by to tell Margie Ellisor about this exciting circus season.
The World Chess Hall of Fame and the Chess Club and Scholastic Center of Saint Louis join in partnership to help bring the game of chess to life. The show will capture a delightfully imaginative world under the big top next to Powell Hall May 29-June 22.
Tickets start at $12 and are on sale now. Group tickets are also available.
‘The Pawn’ opens May 29 with a peanut-free preview and runs through June 22.
Show times are Tuesday through Thursday at 7 p.m.; Friday and Saturday at 1 and 7 p.m.; Sunday at 1 and 5:30 p.m.; and ‘Little Top Wednesday’ at 10 a.m., a special one-hour show for smaller kids or the ‘kids at heart.’
Call 314-289-4040 or visit for tickets and more information. Tickets are also available at the Circus Flora Box Office in the Centene Center for the Arts & Education, 3547 Olive St. Group discounts are now available for groups of 20 or more.
Hamid Circus responds after animal abuse investigation
By Nicolette Schleisman
Thursday, March 6, 2014

We now have the results of an internal investigation into animal abuse at the circus. Last week, some people who went to the Shriner circus in Topeka say they saw dogs being hit and kicked.

Last week, we received several e-mails about one of the handlers at the circus kicking a dog after two dogs got in a fight. They say it happened at one of the shows at the Expocentre on Sunday, February 23rd.

Nicolette Schleisman spoke with the circus’ Vice President, James Hamid Jr. Wednesday about an internal investigation by the circus on the handler in question. Hamid explained to me that after PETA filed a complaint last Tuesday with the U.S. Department of Agriculture over the abuse claims, Hamid Circus had two surprise visits from the USDA, and the trainer passed both.

Hamid also said he and the dogs’ trainer sat down with the handler and asked him what happened.

“He does not specifically remember striking the animal that way, but he did acknowledge that it was a scary situation and he was able to pull them apart. And talking with the trainer, she has full confidence in him,” said Hamid.

Hamid says that was the third week the handler in question had helped the trainer with the dogs. Both he and the dogs’ trainer have set down with him and explained better ways to pull the dogs apart during a fight.

They are giving the handler a second chance, and the Hamid Circus will be back next year.

Hamid says in the circus, their animals are like their family, and they do not want to see them treated badly.

Top of the Town 03.04.14

Published on Mar 4, 2014
Top of the Town 03.04.14 | Robinson's Pig Racing and Pioneer Village are two fun, free things to do at the Strawberry Festival.
1972: Wrigley Gum boat
by Amanda  
March 5, 2014 

San Diego boat show proposal for a Wrigley Gum boat by Brooks Stevens.

SOURCE: Milwaukee Art Museum

The circus is coming

Antonio the clown from Circus Ginnett. SP
5th March 2014 
THE circus is coming to town this month with a visit from Circus Ginnett to Ombersley Way from Wednesday, March 19 to Sunday, March 23.

The circus has been running since the early 1800s when members of the Ginnett family came over to the UK as prisoners during the Napoleonic Wars and stayed in England to launch a pony and budgerigar show as part of Ludgate Circus in London before going on to build up one of the major circuses in the country.

The circus was closed in the 1940s, but has been revived in recent years with international artists including Anke, the aerial dancer from the Netherlands, acrobats Veselka and Nedyalko from Bulgaria and their daughter Yana a five-year-old hula hoop expert, and Irish ringmaster Laszlo Schlingloff, as well as Vader the Wonder dog assisted by Patrick Austin.

A spokesman for Circus Ginnett, said: "On the one hand Facebook and Twitter bring the world closer but on the other hand the personal contact between people seems like something from a distant past. Perception is still only on a screen.

"Ginnett opens the doors to a place of warmth, passion and real live entertainment. This is only possible through cooperation, boundless confidence and tremendous team spirit. All this is perhaps the strength of the circus; by enjoying a group of enthusiastic artists you can forget Facebook, Twitter and daily concerns.”

The shows climax features a spectacular motorcycle carousel, which sees breathtaking aerial work above fire and knife juggling presented by the Easy Riders.

For more information, or to book tickets call 07582 353634 or look at
Circus visits Stoney Point Elementary

Sandspur photo by Andrew Craft
Clowns Andrew Hicks, left, and Ivan Vargas of the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus juggle clubs past students Owen Grant and Ashley Woods on Thursday at Stoney Point Elementary School. The clowns were part of a group of performers who visited the school to drum up excitement for the show's last weekend at the Crown Coliseum.
Staff writer Rodger Mullen 
March 5, 2014
Nick O'Keefe was impressed by the presentation last week by members of the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus. He especially enjoyed the clowns.
But Nick, 8, said the show at Stoney Point Elementary didn't ignite any particular desire on his part to join the circus.
"I'd rather be a basketball player," he said.
Nick, a third-grader, was one of hundreds of Stoney Point students who got a sneak peak at the circus, which was at the Crown Coliseum last weekend.
A ringmaster, dancer and a couple of clowns visited the school to drum up interest in the circus and encourage the students to work hard and pursue their dreams.
The performers stressed that while most people won't grow up to join the circus, young people should not give up on whatever their passions may be.
The circus performers - ringmaster David Shipman, dancer Elly Myers and clowns Ivan Vargas and Andrew Hicks - greeted the third, fourth and fifth graders who showed up for the Thursday morning assembly.
"Hey guys, how's it going?" Shipman said. "How many of you have ever heard of the greatest show on Earth?"
Shipman then told the children about his own journey to becoming a ringmaster. He said he saw his first circus at about age 2 and fell in love with the excitement and pageantry.

Sandspur photo by Andrew Craft
Clowns juggle clubs past teacher Sherry Grant Thursday at Stoney Point Elementary School.

Shipman said he continued to pursue his ambitions even after failing his first audition.
"My message to you is this - you have it within you to be whatever you want to be," Shipman said. "You have a hero inside you."
Myers told of practicing dancing seven hours a day and eventually getting a role in "Bollywood" musicals in India.
Hicks said he knew he wanted to be a clown as early as elementary school, but it took encouragement to follow his dream.
"There were a lot of people who told me I couldn't do this; I wasn't good enough," Hicks said. "All it took was one person to tell me, yes, this is possible. This is achievable."
Vargas, a sixth-generation performer, told of growing up in the circus and learning first acrobatics and then clowning.
"I didn't know I was part of the greatest show on Earth," he said. "It was my playground."
The performers then put on a little show for the children.
Shipman asked for volunteers from the audience. The children stood in a line while Hicks and Vargas juggled pins around them.
Afterward, the students said they were impressed by the show and its message.
"It sparked inspiration," said Aidan Pelletant, 10, one of the juggling volunteers.
Alivia Stevenson, 8, said she might like to one day try her hand at acrobatics.
"It taught me to pursue my dreams," she said.

Circus animals, workers endure drama of their own
From: The Times of India
Karsten Miranda,TNN
Mar 5, 2014 
MARGAO: The arrest of the owner of a circus in Margao in connection with alleged rape and human trafficking has left the animals and artistes under the big top to fend for themselves, sources said.

The circus, which had pitched its tent here recently, is plunged into gloom, as the four elephants, horses, birds, a camel and other animals are starving. "They are not being fed and looked after properly due to the lack of resources," a worker said.

The situation is also equally bleak for 25-odd workers at the circus camp site, as they will be soon deprived of basic requirements of food, water and electricity.

"We don't have money to feed the animals," added another circus worker.

The police rescued 18 victims, including minor boys and girls, and arrested five accused after the raid.

The circus was poised to halt next at Kudal in Maharashtra, but now the police have shut it down.

The eight-odd families present at the circus site are in dire straits and the arrested persons include the manager and cashier.

"Each family may have around 1,000 to 2,000 and rations for a few days. We do not know how to cope with the situation and are waiting word from the manager," a circus worker said.

Some of them have been part of the circus family for more than a decade or two. "I don't have any other skills," a worker lamented.

The seizure of all papers, cash receipts, approvals, documents related to animals has left them without any documentation as well.

Some animals, especially the elephant, need huge quantities of grass, feed and water.
Circus Vargas to present new show

Patrick Gable, center, will be the illusionist in Circus Vargas new production for 2014, Magikaria Extreme. The show will run in Temecula from March 6 through 17.
By Emily Wells
March 04, 2014
Fresh off a tour in Southeast Asia, Patrick Gable, illusionist with Circus Vargas’ “Magikaria Extreme,” will be bringing his star power to the Inland Empire.
Gable, who recently performed for Siegfried and Roy, Penn & Teller, and Criss Angel, will be performing with the full cast of Circus Vargas in Temecula at Promenade Temecula opening Thursday, March 6 and running through March 17. The show will then travel to San Bernardino for shows running March 20 through 24. The show will be in Ontario from March 27 though April 7.
The show will honor the Southwest Riverside Autism Task Force at the 7:30 p.m. Thursday, March 6, performance in Temecula.
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Circus Skills Program
Tuesday, March 4, 2014

A new Circus Skills Program started Feb. 26, co-sponsored by Hugo Gymnastics and Circus City Center. Pictured are youth athletes participating in the program and Jim Royal, president of the executive committee; Marilyn Custer, executive director; Lila Swink, secretary/treasurer; and Traci Cavallini, for Barbara Byrd, vice president.
Run away with the circus at a Community Purim Celebration
Posted by  
March 4, 2014
The following was submitted by the JCC of the North Shore:

Everyone’s invited to spend a day under the Big Top at the Chagenu Community Purim Circus celebration on Sunday, March 16, 1:00-3:00pm at the JCCNS in Marblehead.

The event, which features Wunderle’s Big Top Adventures, includes….

Four Circus Workshops for children,  1:00-2:00pm
Circus Performance,  2:00-3:00pm

The Circus Workshops are just $10 per child and the Circus Performance is $36 per family when you pre-register at 781-631-8330. The Circus Performance will be $50 per family at the door. Families save $14 by pre-registering!

Be sure to come in costume! More details at JCCNS.ORG. The JCCNS is located at 4 Community Road, Marblehead.

The event is sponsored by the JCCNS, Combined Jewish Philanthropies, Cohen Hillel Academy, Shirat Hayam, Temple Sinai, Temple Shalom, Temple Beth Shalom, Temple Emanu-El, Tempe Ner Tamid, North Shore JCC and The Jewish Journal.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Big Top Parade
Mark your calendars for the 2nd Annual Big Top Parade!
Saturday, July 26, 2014 
Downtown Baraboo Incorporated (DBI) is proud to celebrate the rich circus heritage that has helped define our community with our annual Downtown Baraboo Circus Celebration.

Partnering with Circus World and the Baraboo Area Chamber of Commerce, this event will fill the historic downtown square with circus-themed performances, historic circus wagons, activities for children of all ages, music, circus displays, walking tours, tasty summer foods, classic sidewalk sales, Farmers Market, huge Antique & Collectibles Sale-a-Palooza, and the Big Top Parade sponsored by the Baraboo Chamber of Commerce!
Plan on joining the fun on July 26th as once again the "Circus City" of Baraboo pulls out all the stops to honor its circus roots and create a family-friendly extravaganza that would make the Ringling Brothers proud!

Wopat to lead Baraboo circus parade

Lodi native Tom Wopat, a famed actor and singer, will perform in concert this summer at the Al. Ringling Theatre and will serve as grand marshal of the Big Top Parade.
Ben Bromley News Republic
March 3, 2014
Tom Wopat will star on a different Broadway this summer as he leads the Big Top Parade through downtown Baraboo.

The Lodi native, who gained television fame on “The Dukes of Hazzard” and earned a Tony Award nomination for his work in the musical “Annie Get Your Gun,” will serve as the parade’s grand marshal July 26. He’ll be playing the Broadway that serves as downtown Baraboo’s main north-south artery, rather than the Great White Way in Manhattan.

“It’s always nice to come home,” Wopat said. “I like to think I’m pretty well grounded. I milked cows for eight years and if that doesn’t ground you, I don’t know what will,” he joked in a news release announcing his selection as grand marshal.

This year’s parade, the second organized by local business leaders and Circus World Museum, will celebrate the 130th anniversary of the Ringling brothers founding their show in their hometown of Baraboo. More than 75 units, including antique wood-carved circus wagons from Circus World’s collection, will circle the downtown streets.

“The sights, the smells, the sounds, the feel of the circus will all be here in Baraboo that day,” said parade coordinator Debra Bauer, executive director of the Baraboo Area Chamber of Commerce.

CIRCA 1949

Cirkus Arnardo 31.03.2012

Published on Apr 1, 2012
Circus Arnardo ‘retires’ its elephants
March 3, 2014
Norway’s popular Circus Arnardo, which travels around the country during the circus season, has decided to drop elephants from its performances. Circus officials claim the elephants literally demand too much space, while animal rights activists have campaigned against the use of circus elephants for years.
“Elephants don’t belong in a circus,” Siri Martinsen of the animal rights group NOAH, told Norwegian Broadcasting (NRK) on Monday. She was glad Circus Arnardo was dropping the use of elephants even though Norwegian officials haven’t barred them from performances.
“The fact that Norwegian politicians still haven’t taken this seriously is a shame,” Martinsen said.
Are Arnardo of the family-run circus cited more congestion in Norwegian cities and a lack of space to house or exercise the elephants. “Animals and animal welfare are import for us,” he said. “It’s because we don’t have enough room for them anymore that we decided to retire the elephants after last season.”
He denied the decision was a result of pressure from the animal rights groups. “No, our elephants have been treated well,” he told NRK.
Martinsen said she hopes the “retirement” of the elephants is the first step away from more use of animals in the circus. “We completely agree that elephants need more room than a circus can provide, but so do horses, llamas, camels and other animals,” she told NRK.
Arnardo said there were no plans to reduce the use of other animals, and that an increase in animal performances actually contributed to squeezing out the elephants. The circus’ elephants are either being placed in zoos or with other circus companies. This year’s Circus Arnardo season begins in Arendal on March 15. staff
March 3, 2014
The circus is coming, and so are the protesters 
A few things to think about when you see activists in elephant costumes

Local protesters want you to think twice before taking your kids to watch the elephants in the circus.
by Paul Bowers
March 03, 2014
The Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey circus is coming to the North Charleston Coliseum on Wednesday, and the promised spectacles are timeless: The Stars of the Steel Vortex acrobatic act! Ukrainian trampoline tumblers! A man who will kiss a 300-pound tiger!

But for some, the show will start and end outside the doors of the Coliseum. Animal rights activists are organizing protests during each of the eight performances, hoping to deter families from buying tickets to the self-proclaimed "Greatest Show on Earth."

"Bears, elephants, tigers, lions, and other animals do not voluntarily ride bicycles, stand on their heads, balance on balls, or jump through rings of fire," writes Melissa Judge, a Florida animal activist, in an e-mail about protests taking place at circus stops from San Diego, Calif., to Uniondale, N.Y. She adds:

Neither child nor adult should be giving a single dollar to Ringling Bros. because they will use it to buy stun guns, whips, electrical prods, and bullhooks to torture their animals with until they comply. For your entertainment. This is nothing less than slavery."
On a Facebook event page about the protests, activists are told not to yell, chant, or engage with patrons. "Patrons have already purchased tickets, so our goal is to educate and deter from future attendance," the page reads. Protesters are also encouraged to dress as clowns, elephants, or ring masters "to make the children more at ease and less afraid of us protesters." As of Monday morning, 39 people had responded to say they will attend the protests.

The Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey circus also sometimes features horses, tigers, and dogs. - PROVIDED
The five-day circus engagement in North Charleston is also included on a list of activism opportunities posted by the animal rights group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals.

"I've been protesting circuses for quite some time," says Lisa Scharin, a Summerville woman who plans to attend the protests at the Coliseum. Scharin is involved with PETA, Greenpeace, Defense of Animals, Animal Defenders, Born Free, and the World Wildlife Fund, and she says she even went undercover once to videotape alleged mistreatment of tigers and elephants at a Cole Bros. circus.

"I would say that any circus that was traveling like that, there's no way it could be humane," Scharin says. "Animals, they can't speak for themselves. It's amazing to me that anyone would think it's fine to put an animal like that into a boxcar, into an 18-wheeler."

Feld Entertainment Inc., the owner of the circus act and Disney on Ice, has a rough history with animal rights groups, and it was the subject of a scathing Mother Jones exposé in 2011, "The Cruelest Show on Earth." Company spokesperson Ashley Smith says the circus encounters protesters in every town it visits.
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Monday, March 3, 2014

Titans of the big top: Super Circus Heroes to visit Salisbury

David Shipman will perform as ringmaster in Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Presents Super Circus Heroes. / GNS photo
Written by Jon Bleiweis Staff Writer
Mar. 3, 2014
SALISBURY — The Greatest Show on Earth returns to Salisbury this weekend, as Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus will present Super Circus Heroes at the Wicomico Youth & Civic Center.

The circus has attracted children of all ages in the Salisbury area for more than a decade, according to Kristen Goller, director of marketing and public relations for Wicomico Recreation, Parks, Tourism & Civic Center.

“Adults are brought back to their childhood, and children are in awe when they see the action up close for the first time,” she said. “From the amazing animals to the astonishing acrobats and awe-inspiring aerialists and, of course, the over-the-top-clowns, the circus has something for everyone to enjoy.”

Brett & Cathy Carden, exotic animal trainers and presenters, will be featured in Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Presents Super Circus Heroes this weekend at the Wicomico Youth & Civic Center in Salisbury. / File photo

But making his Salisbury debut will be clown Ivan Vargas, a nine-year veteran of Ringling Bros. and his sixth year as a clown. The sixth generation circus artist — whose parents did the flying trapeze — said he is eager to help show off the groups of acrobats from around the world who will be performing.

“They were flying in the air, they were superheros,” he said about his parents. “They were better than anything I saw in a comic book, they’re real life.”

Super Circus Heroes is a show Vargas is excited for, he said, if only because there’s more involvement for the clowns.
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March 3, 2014 

Aurora, Ohio - Evan Webster, Worshipful Master of the W.K. Ricksecker Masonic Lodge # 606 in Aurora announced today that the Lodge is again sponsoring the Kelly Miller Circus for the fourth straight year.  The circus known as America’s One Ring Wonder will be in Aurora July 20 for two performances.

“The circus is becoming an annual event and residents of Aurora have supported the Lodge in its efforts to bring wholesome live family entertainment to Aurora," Webster said. "The Circus is a great opportunity to spend quality time with the family.”

Former Aurora Mayor Jim Fisher said this about the circus event, “When I heard that the Kelly Miller Circus was returning to Aurora for the 4th straight year in a row, I was very pleased. Last year Mary Jo and I attended the circus for the first time in many years and we couldn’t believe what a great show it was. In fact if we hadn’t had a prior engagement, we would have stayed for the second performance. This is a great summer event for the Aurora Community."

Kelly Miller Circus based in Hugo, Oklahoma left winter quarters in early February and is playing towns in Texas along the U.S. – Mexican border.  Every year the circus plays 211 towns and cities in 13 states throughout the United States and annually travels 10,900 miles. The circus is owned by John Ringling North II who was named for his famous uncle the John Ringling North of Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey fame. John annually looks forward to the shows visit to Aurora.

Prices for tickets and ticket outlets will be announced later

Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show parades through New York City (USA, 1902)

Published on Mar 1, 2014
Filmed by the American Mutoscope & Biograph Company, 2 July 1902. The famous Buffalo Bill can be seen at approximately 0.44 doffing his hat to bystanders.
‘La Soirée’ comedically merges circus acts, cabaret

by Louis Slade-Caffarel
Posted on March 3, 2014
From the moment visitors step into the Union Square Theater and find themselves in what resembles a 1920s circus tent, they know they are about to experience something unique.

“La Soirée,” a show that merges spectacular circus acts, cabaret and risqué humor, has become an international phenomenon and established itself in various cities around the world. Currently showing simultaneously in Australia at Sydney’s Opera House and in New York City at Union Square Theater, “Soirée” takes on a global audience like none other.

Creative Producer Brett Haylock provided insights to how the show has become an international success and how it continues to establish itself in different cultural contexts.

“It was created back [in 2004] as a kind of alternative, midnight cabaret,” Haylock said. “We thought we had an interesting show, but no one could have ever imagined that here we are, 10 years later, with one show playing in the Opera House and a show here in New York City. It really did explode from the very beginning.”

The show has since performed in London and Paris, has had homes in Scandinavia and most of Europe, has built a base in Sydney and is now playing there for the sixth time. With so many locations to perform, the show inevitably changes.
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Circo da China - Roda Gigante (Giant Wheel)

Giant Wheel, ou roda gigante - número do Circo da China cujas proporções podem dificultar sua realização em Natal RN no próximo mês de setembro (2011). As imagens foram captadas durante entrevista coletiva no no Credicard Hall em São Paulo no dia 20 de julho. Este vídeo dá uma dimensão da complexidade e do risco da performance.
Gamma Phi Circus Spring Shows
By Vidette Editor and Tyrianna Jones 
March 2, 2014
ISU’s Gamma Phi Circus is hosting its Spring 2014 Shows at 7 p.m. on April 11 and at 1 p.m. and 7 p.m. on April 12 in Redbird Arena.

The show consists of a two-hour performance with more than 15 acts commonly seen in professional circuses. Some of the acts include the tight wire, unicycles, Russian Swing, Wall Trampoline, German Wheel, clowns and multi-trapeze. The theme of this year’s show is Chicago, based off “Chicago” the musical, the Chicago Bulls and O’Hare Airport.

Tickets are available at Braden Box Office, and by phone at 800-745-3000. Prices are $12 for adults, $10 for students, military and senior citizens, $8 for children ages five through 12 and $5 for children under five. Lower bowl seating will be an additional dollar.

There will be a pre-show children’s carnival at noon before the 1 p.m. show on Saturday with different games and activities. Admission into the carnival is a matinee ticket.

This year, Gamma Phi Circus is celebrating its 85th birthday. It was established in 1929 and is the oldest collegiate circus in the nation. It is a program through ISU’s College of Applied Science and Technology and a leadership-based organization.

Gamma Phi Circus is open to all full-time ISU student and staff members. Members are expected to maintain a 2.2 GPA, pay dues every semester, attend all practices and shows and be an active participant in at least one committee. There are also volunteer opportunities for the shows.

For more information about Gamma Phi Circus, visit or call 309-438-2690.
LILYDALE Leader gives you the chance to be a Junior Ringmaster Circus Royale in Mooroolbark! 

Join the Circus Royale at Mooroolbark until March 23 - and win a chance to be a Junior Ringmaster with Lilydale Leader. Source: Supplied
MARCH 02, 2014
For one performance only, you could be the Junior Ringmaster in top hat and tails as the music strikes up and the crowd cheers (the Junior Ringmaster must be aged 5-12 years).

The prize includes six tickets to the performance, so your family and friends can join the fun.

Lilydale Leader Circus Royale Competition
Join the Circus Royale at Mooroolbark until March 23 - and win a chance to be a Junior Ringmaster with Lilydale Leader. Source: Supplied
See clowns, acrobats, magicians, trained horses and dogs and all the fun of the circus under the big top at the corner of Hull and Cardigan Roads in Mooroolbark until March 23.
For more information about Circus Royale, go to

Join the Circus Royale at Mooroolbark until March 23 - and win a chance to be a Junior Ringmaster with Lilydale Leader. Source: Supplied
Lilydale Leader has one Junior Ringmaster prize to give away. The prize includes a chance to be a Junior Ringmaster (aged 5-12 years) at Circus Royale at a performance of the winner’s choice (subject to availability) at Mooroolbark, plus six tickets to the same performance.