Monday, June 27, 2011

The Zamperla Zoppe Riders - Sarasota - Reunion Performance - 2011

1 comment:

  1. How wonderful to see these young circus performers bringing back in its finest fashion certainly the very tradition of the circus from its beginnings, Almost a lost aret here in America and seeing the public response for this wonderful art form would leave hope that we may see a recurrence in our circus arts. The great tradition of the Italian families who gained prominence in the circus with, Caroli, Zoppee-Zavatta, Alberto Zoppee and Cuciolla, Cristianis, Loyal-Repenski and Zamperla. We have also been blessed with Hanneford, Scott from british isls and the great Hungarian riders of Richtor and others. So it is thrill for me as many generations of circus equestrian arts to see the extreme dedication of skill and hard work to once again take their rightful place as new princes of the circus. I salute you. John Herriott
