Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Ringling Bros. animal walk cancelled

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CLEMENT BRITT/Times-Dispatch
Elephants from the Ringling Brothers Barnum and Bailey head towards the Manchester Bridge on their way to the Richmond Coliseum. February 16, 2009
by Web Staff
February 18, 2013
RICHMOND, Va. (WTVR)—A Richmond tradition has been cancelled, this year at least.
 The circus is coming to Richmond and with it comes the much beloved animal walk over the Manchester Bridge.
However, Ringling Bros. just announced that the animal walk over the Manchester Bridge has been cancelled for safety reasons.
The tour schedule was changed from prior years, announced a spokesperson for the company. That puts the animals arriving from Philadelphia by mid-morning instead of the traditional evening arrival.
 In the interest of time and safety and to accommodate Richmond traffic on surface streets as well as the Manchester Bridge, Ringling Bros. will transport its elephants to the Richmond Coliseum by trailer this year, the spokesman said in a press release.
  Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Presents BUILT TO AMAZE! will open Wednesday, February 20.

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