Sunday, March 17, 2013

Children wowed by circus acrobats at Levoy Theatre

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By South Jersey Times
on March 16, 2013
MILLVILLE — Thanks to a grant by the New Jersey State Council on the Arts and the Cumberland County Board of Chosen Freeholders, 550 children were wowed by circus acrobatics last Wednesday at the Levoy Theatre.
The funding provided $3,500 to bring the Cirque Ziva Golden Dragon Acrobats to the Levoy and reduce the ticket price for the children.
“While the logistics of getting all the students in and out provided a challenge to our staff, it was well worth the effort as it became obvious the children were having a wonderful time watching the performance,” said Vincent Bianca, Levoy director of operations.
Students from Bacon, Holly Heights and Reick Avenue schools in Millville and West Avenue School in Bridgeton attended the matinee event.
Fifty additional children came from the Millville Police Athletic League and 100 from South Jersey Health Care in Vineland.

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