Sunday, March 17, 2013


While working revolving ladder routine with her husband, Kellan at opening show today, Julia Bermudez (Maribel) fell from the ladder. She was taken to Halifax Hospital in Daytona Beach, where it was determined that she has a wrist fracture that will require surgical repair. The Cole Bros. Circus family wishes her a speedy recovery. We love you, Maribel.
from: Cole Bros facebook page

Logan Family Reunion
Circus opening in DeLand provided opp for Logan family reunion, as Vicenta's mom, Frieda, and aunts Lillian, Naomi and Sandy came to see her debut at CBC. Mary Jo didn't make it--and we miss her--but her granddaughter came. We fondly remember the days when the "Logan Girls" graced the ring. We welcomed the newest "Logan Girl," Vicenta's daughter Vanessa to our CBC family this week.
from: Cole Bros facebook page

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Today is CBC's final day in DeLand. Tonight the circus moves to Gainesville, FL and the journey that will continue for nearly 9 months. This week has been bittersweet. We mourn the loss of Mike Norris's mom and dad. We watched in shock as our friend Maribel fell. We welcomed the arrival of new members of our circus family, among them the Tabares and the Fassios. We saw tears in the eyes of John Pugh after dress rehearsal as he thanked everyone for making the 2013 edition of CBC remarkable. We opened. Now we begin our 2013 journey, with hope that our circus family will bring joy to all the towns we visit and all the families who visit our Big Top.
from: Cole Bros facebook page

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