Thursday, May 30, 2013

\PETA wrong about Ringling Bros. Circus
May 29, 2013
A recent commentary by a lawyer for the animal rights group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals made a number of allegations against Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus that demand correction.
In its recent opinion piece, PETA goes to great lengths describing the impressive intelligence and complex behaviors of elephants, and on that subject, and that alone, we wholeheartedly agree. The dedicated men and women with Ringling Bros. who spend their lives caring for our herd of elephants, the largest in the Western Hemisphere, witness daily how amazing these animals truly are. And giving families around the country the chance to also see, up close and in person, these majestic animals, is at the heart of what Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey is all about. This is what groups like PETA want people to miss.
Sadly, once their reverence for elephants is stated, the PETA commentary then goes on the attack, and as a result, we could not disagree more with its claims. PETA makes a variety of unfounded statements about Ringling Bros. animal care and certain approved animal husbandry tools our professionals use. What it fails to mention is that all of our animal care procedures and methods are frequently inspected by local, state and federal animal welfare officials in almost every city we visit. In addition, the tools used in elephant husbandry care are accepted by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, which licenses circuses such as Ringling Bros., as well as professional organizations whose members have decades of experience working with elephants, an accomplishment PETA cannot claim.

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