Friday, August 6, 2010

BARABOO - When visitors come to the Circus World Museum, they get a glimpse into how the circus looked generations ago through the costumes, circus wagons, photographs and other exhibits on display.
But even Circus World Executive Director Steve Freese was amazed when he saw the circus of that bygone era brought back to life in California recently.
It was on the set of the upcoming film "Water For Elephants," based on Sara Gruen's novel. The film, which will hit theaters sometime in 2011, stars Reese Witherspoon and Robert Pattinson and follows a young man who joins a Depression-era circus.
To make the film as authentic as possible, the filmmakers tapped the museum to provide 15 circus wagons plus loads of research and expertise to the production. READ MORE AT:

Circus teens love life under the big top
The Pintado children have learned to not only balance on the high wire — but also to balance life, school and dreams — on the road as circus performers.
Esthefany, 21, Indiana, 14, and Jonathon, 12, are fourth-generation circus performers who have performed their entire lives under the big top. The girls began learning balancing and high-wire acts at the age of just 5 years old.
“We’ve had to practice a long time to learn how to do it,” Esthefany said.
There are things they love and hate about life on the road. “It’s fun because we visit new places and countries, and we’ve made a lot of friends,” Indiana said.
But, at the same time, leaving new friends and moving to the next show is often hard. “We have to keep working every day, practice, and some of our friends and family we haven’t seen in a long time,” Esthefany said. In particular, she misses her grandparents, whom she hasn’t seen for the past 7 years while her family has been in the United States traveling with the El Coloso De Las Americas Circo Osorio.
“We haven’t seen them and that’s the hard part,” she said.
Being a circus kid is an unusual way to grow up, Jonathon said. His lifestyle attracts a lot of attention from his friends at school. “They always ask a lot of questions about it — I like it,” agreed Indiana.
The children have traveled all over the world, in Columbia, Peru, Argentina, and Venezuela to name a few countries they’ve seen. They can’t imagine living any other way. “It’s just what our family does,” Esthefany said.
The circus performs countless shows eight months out of the year beginning in March and ending in October. So far this year, the show has been to Washington, Oregon, California, Utah, and Colorado.
There will be two performances Thursday at the Mesa County Fairgrounds. Shows begin at 5:30 and 7:30 p.m. Cost is $5.

The corn dog is the original State Fair food on a stick. Well, that and ice cream.
State Fair jacks up stick food count
READ MORE AT: OnMilwaukee.com
Published Aug. 4, 2010
The corn dog is the original State Fair food on a stick. Well, that and ice cream.Two years ago there were 32 foods on a stick, up by one over the previous year. Last year, the count jumped to 44 choices. This year, however, State Fair has really decided to stick it.
There are 65 food items on offer (some are duplicates, it's true) at the 2010 Wisconsin State Fair.
Here are your choices and where you can find them on the fair grounds. The latest additions are marked with an asterisk.
1.Apple Pie (deep fried), WOW Concessions*
2.Bacon Wrapped Shrimp Tempura on a Stick, Door County Fish Boil*
3.Bacon Wrapped Water Chestnuts, Charcoal Grill
4.BBQ Pork Chop on a Stick, Wisconsin Pork Producers
5.BBQ Pork on a Stick, Miss Katie's Diner
6.Brat on a Stick, Sheboygan Brat House*
7.Butter Cream Cookie, Miller Lite Sports Bar & Grill*
8.Candy Bar (frozen) on a Stick, Leadfoot's Bar & Grill
9.Caramel Apples, LeTendre Concessions
10.Caramel Apples, Lori's Sugar Shack

(CANVAS STAFF REPORTS) - A Pennsylvania-based amusement company is apologizing following outrage over a shooting game that featured a likeliness of President Barack Obama .
Goodtime Amusements president Irwin L. Good Jr., 68, told the Philadelphia Inquirer that he had used the Alien Attack game for about five weeks without hearing complaints. Now, after a fairgoer's complaint and a subsequent news story triggered an outcry, the game has been removed.
The Inquirer said the complaints came on July 24 at Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Roseto, Pa., when Kathryn Chapman noticed a win-a-prize painted target featured a black man wearing a suit. He had a rolled up "health bill" in one hand and a belt buckle with an eagle that read "The Prez Says."
"I just can't believe how far things have come that now on church property you can shoot the president and get a prize if you hit him in the head or heart," Chapman said to the Easton Express Times . A story ran in the Express-Times and on lehighvalleylive.com, spurring additional criticism of Good and attention from media nationwide.
Good told the Lehigh Valley Express-Times that he didn't mean to offend anyone. He also said that he should not have let one of his vendors create the game and told the Express-Times that it will be changed to a pirate theme.
"I'm very supportive of the (president)," he said. "I voted for him."
He told the Inquirer that the target had alien antennae and did not look much like Obama.
"The face didn't look like him or anything like that," he said. "It wasn't designed to be that way. I guess you could see a likeliness to it if you wanted to."
Esther M. Lee, president of the Bethlehem chapter of the NAACP, disagrees.
"He knew what he was doing," she told the Inquirer. "It's not right. ... It's not funny, and he ought to pay."
The Express-Times reported that Roseto Mayor Desiree DeNicola and council president Michael Romano said they had not seen the game or heard any complaints.
"But if it's so, it's totally disrespectful to the office of the president," Romano said. "I don't think we should be teaching our kids, and there are a lot of kids at the Big Time, to be disrespectful."

By Dale Ann Deffer The News Eagle Posted Aug 05, 2010
For the bargain price of just $8, admission gains the fairgoer entrance plus all the rides as well as livestock shows and viewing of the shows in the grandstand.
Such diverse shows this year include such highlights as a tribute to Johnny Cash, harness racing, tractor and horse pulls, a demolition derby and motorsports.
Said Roger Dirlam, president, “In two years we will celebrate our 150 anniversary. The fair was first started in 1862.” Currently, there are publicity people in Harrisburg who are delving into archives to put on a really smash event in two years.
“Where can you have a great time for eight bucks admission including parking all day long?” Dirlam commented when reached at his lumber company in Honesdale.
“All money taken in goes back into the fair for events to be put on next year,” he said. “We also rent the fairgrounds out during the year for extra money,” he added.
“Our liveststock shows which include judging of sheep, goats, dairy cows and 4-H club educational areas are very popular,” he said.
Besides shows in the grandstand, strolling old time musicians will wander through the midway most of the day adding to the family fun.
Concession stands will have all of the snackin’ goodies you can eat plus beverages to keep cool.
Dirlam confirmed there is a First Aid Building in case of injury or any form of illness plus a Security Building on site.
All of the rides have been state inspected, Dirlam assured the public. “Our Mega Drop Ride was the most popular last year,” he said.
Jim Fox who is the Entertainment Chairman said he goes to Hershey every year for a state fair convention to look at new talent.
He said the talent is the best for their budget. In the past, they have tried big name draws such as Charlie Daniels, country western music star, and they ended up losing money.
He said that he was puzzled as to why this happened for the fair draws an enormous crowd each year. Big time talent demands more stage work, sound and lights which up front must have lots of money available.
The Wayne County Fairgrounds are located at 270 Miller Drive which is jus toff Route 191 one mile north from Honesdale.
Special senior citizen days are Aug. 8 and Aug. 11 where the price is just $3.
The ticket request hotline is (570)253-5486. The office number is (570)253-2942.Tickets are also available located at Dirlam Brothers Lumber Company in Honesdale.
The website is http://www.waynecountyfair/
Thursday, August 5, 2010
LaneInConn June 21, 2010
Veteran sideshow performer-owner Ward Hall explains the characteristics of a good fairgrounds "talker" (also known as "barker" by outsiders.) Videotaped at Florida State Fair-Tampa, New Jersey State Fair-Meadowlands and Stratford, CT, in 2008.
The permit was denied under new B.C. regulations around the breeding, trafficking and keeping of exotic species in B.C., according to the SPCA, which commended the provincial Ministry of Environment for denying the permit.
"In this case, the Jordan World Circus entered B.C. without the two permits required under the new regulations to transport and display exotic wild animals," said Sara Dubois, the B.C. SPCA's manager of wildlife services, in a news release.
"We advised the ministry on July 20 that the Jordan World Circus was travelling through the province with exotic animals, including three adult Asian elephants.
The ministry immediately contacted circus officials to advise them they would have to apply for a permit."
According to Dubois, the circus was allowed to continue displaying the animals until July 29, when the permit was denied because Jordan World Circus officials didn't have a safety plan to protect crowd members in the event of the elephants breaking loose during a performance.
The circus was criticized by Penticton residents, who tore down signs ahead of a scheduled Aug. 1 show in the town in protest of the group's use of exotic animals in its performances.
Dubois said in the future, circuses will have to apply two months in advance to enter B.C. with exotic animals.
The SPCA is asking that black bears be included under the same exotic animal regulations as elephants.
Read more: http://www.theprovince.com/life/Pack+your+pachyderms+tells+American+circus/3361938/story.html#ixzz0vjBBCc00

Henry Brandt said it made him want to cry when he saw buildings being demolished at the former state fairgrounds in Lincoln earlier this year.But as manager of the Nebraska State Fair for 23 years, from 1964 through 1987, he was eager to see the fair's new home in Grand Island bustling with people and livestock.
Henry F. Brandt Jr. -- the last manager to live on the fairgrounds, the man some called Mr. Nebraska State Fair -- didn't live quite long enough for opening day ceremonies in Grand Island Aug. 27.
He died Tuesday at 88.
The strain of heart surgery at that age was probably the biggest factor, said his daughter, Connie Decker, of Lincoln.
"It was just too much for his body."
Brandt, raised on a Beatrice-area dairy farm, attended his first fair at age 2 and won second place in the 4-H Dairy Show at the state fair at 14.
Then, and for the next 74 years, there was never such a thing as too much fair.
"His hobby was fairs," Decker said. "Really, truly, his hobby was his work."
He indulged his hobby with so much skill and enthusiasm that he became the lone 1980 inductee into the International Association of Fairs and Expositions' Hall of Fame in Las Vegas ceremonies.
At the time of his death, he was an active member of the State Fair 1868 Foundation Board. And as recently as a month ago, he was taking tickets from people arriving for horse racing at the former State Fair Park.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Campers stay close to the action for Wisconsin Valley Fair
Even the most dedicated Wisconsin Valley Fair participant can get worn down by five days of sunshine, crowds and fried food.
NEW PALTZ — The gates at the Ulster County Fair opened at 4 p.m. and the first day of the six-day event will run through 10 p.m.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Circus City is on the way to Michiana!
Aug 03, 2010 2:15 AM EDT
Posted By: Elishah Oesch
"Circus City" is coming to Michiana! When Carson & Barnes sets up circus morning, it is circus history and magic, transforming the show grounds into "Circus City USA". The general public is invited free, and early birds can watch, as the first units of the caravan begin arriving about an hour after dawn, Tuesday morning, August 3rd across from Borkholder Dutch Village, in Nappanee.
Over two dozen types of exotic and domestic animals, featuring a large traveling zoo, are unloaded, fed, and watered, and made available for viewing. Adding to the excitement, is the final and most popular experience of all, as humans, elephants, and technology work side-by-side to erect America's most spectacular and largest circus Big Top.
Dutch Kitchen will be offering up a breakfast special for those watching the circus magic. Junior Anderson, owner of Dutch Kitchen, is excited about the circus coming, and has agreed to offer breakfast specials the morning the circus arrives. Dutch Kitchen will also be open the evening of the circus, according to Anderson, offering a Chicken & Meatloaf buffet from 4 - 8 p.m. for just $9.95. The buffet includes dressing, mashed potatoes & gravy, chicken noodles, green beans, corn, salad bar, dessert bar, an even a drink!
The all new 74th edition of the Carson & Barnes Circus, bringing almost one hundred performers and animals to Borkholder Dutch Village, will put on two shows Tuesday: 4:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m.
According to sponsor and local promoter Ron Bedward, owner of Michiana Promotions, a portion of the proceeds of the circus will be used to help fund and promote Nappanee's Second Saturdays. Bedward also encourages circus goers to get their tickets in advance, because "folks can save alot of money!"
By Michael Buettner (Staff Writer)
Published: August 3, 2010
PETERSBURG, VA - Fresh from a triumphant tour of the Caribbean, Casual Cal's Bumpin' Big Show Circus rolls into town this week.
The urban-oriented circus is a joint venture of Atlanta-based Big Top Circus, led by Calvin "Casual Cal" Dupree, and Circus Hollywood, a Bradenton, Fla.-based operation owned by fourth-generation circus impresario Serge Corona.
Dupree gained fame as the ringmaster of the UniverSoul Circus, founded in 1994 by music and theater promoter Cedric "Ricky" Walker. Like UniverSoul, the Bumpin' Big Show features mainly African-American performers and draws on urban culture and experience to entertain and uplift audiences.
Front man Econuel Ingram said one difference between the Bumpin' Big Show (also known as Big Top Circus 2010) and UniverSoul is that "D.C. gets UniverSoul, Richmond gets UniverSoul, we wanted to give to a community that doesn't get much of that quality of shows."
But despite the updated style, the circus will offer the traditional attractions, from animals and acrobats to clowns and magicians.
One crowd-pleasing act is a group of motorcyclists who perform in the "Cage of Death." Also on hand are Persian horses, Parisian dogs and plenty of music and fun.
The circus' run here starts officially on Thursday and continues through Sunday at Petersburg High School, but there's a free preview for children today, starting at 11 a.m., at Vernon Johns Junior High School on Homestead Drive.
Ingram said the circus also is looking to hire people locally to help set up and run the shows - part of the company's goal of giving something back to the communities where it performs. If all goes well, he said, "We want to make this an annual event."
In addition, the circus will donate $1 of every ticket purchase to the Petersburg School System. And another way of giving back is a Military Night on Saturday - usually the circus' biggest night - when patrons with military ID cards will receive a discounted ticket price.
Showtimes for the Bumpin' Big Show are 10:30 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. on Thursday and Friday; noon, 4 and 8 p.m. on Saturday; and 3:30 and 6:30 p.m. on Sunday. Tickets are $15 for adults and $10 for children. For information, call 894-5566.
Monday, August 2, 2010

OCEAN CITY -- Bugs Bunny danced on the Boardwalk the other night, long gray legs kicking high as he moved in an exaggerated way.
"I think it's a favorite cartoon. Kids like this cartoon bunny. He is very friendly and he's very beautiful," said Denis Novokreshchenov of Russia, lifting Bug's head for a moment to make eye contact.
Perception is often not reality, as sideshow "talker" Mike Vitka has discovered through his experiences on the World of Wonders.
Circus act brings laughs to Fredericksburg Fair

No one really has a fear of clowns, asserts Joey Thurmond."They just haven't met the right one yet," the creator of Nojoe's Clown Circus, a national traveling clown act, said.
More than 100 people had no qualms yesterday afternoon about watching Thurmond and his wife, Jamie, and son, Tyler, perform in their one-ring circus at the Fredericksburg Agricultural Fair. In an interactive half-hour show, the family joked around with one another and the audience.
At one point Tyler, 17, told a woman she needed to make her own balloon animal, much to Thurmond's disapproval."We've got a good crowd," Thurmond said, "and we want them to like us.
"Indeed they did.
The crowd nearly doubled as Tyler juggled fire and Thurmond balanced a shopping cart above his head. After the duo performed its slapstick, "Miss Jamie" performed her twirling act with Hula Hoops and steel squares and cubes.The act is award-winning as well as unique. Thurmond and Tyler are the first father-son duo to receive the Clown of the Year award from Family Entertainers of Atlanta, where the act is based. Thurmond won it in 2008 and Tyler, the youngest-ever recipient, won it a year later. "It's very honorable to have your peers think that much of you," Thurmond said before the 4:30 p.m. show. But clowns are not universally loved.One woman came up to Thurmond asking to take his picture so she could send it to her mother, who hates clowns. "I'm glad you used my face to creep out your mom," Thurmond said after smiling for the camera. After the show, another teenage girl refused to come near the trio because she's scared of clowns."Thank you, because I'm kinda scared of teenage girls," Thurmond joked. In reality, he hopes he can reverse the negativity that popular culture has given clowns. "Clowns in general are such a giving, accepting and loving personality," Thurmond said.
The fear of clowns is generally seen only in North America, and he thinks people actually fear the attention brought upon them by the clowns and the surrounding audience. The trio will finish up in Fredericksburg tomorrow.
For the fearless, the group signs autographs and poses for photos after the shows. And that's why Thurmond travels 11 months out of the year with his wife and son. "I get to go to a magical place," he said. "I get to walk into that circus ring every day."

Sunday, August 1, 2010

If there were huge crowds this year, Dakota Lewis hadn’t seen them. The 17-year-old from South Carolina camped out in a vendor booth the entire week, hawking balloons and plastic ninja swords for his cousin‘s novelties business. The big-selling items, he said, have been “clacker balls” and inflatable football helmets.But there hasn’t been a booming trade, he said.“It’s been really slow,” Lewis said. “When it’s busy, every five minutes someone’s up here. It hasn’t been like that at all.”
Veteran fairgoers agreed the crowds were smaller this year than last.“I’m surprised it’s not that busy,” said Michelle Shivick, 39, of Newark. Raised in Camden, she’s been attending the fair off and on for the last three decades, but on Saturday afternoon, she was sharing a chocolate-and-vanilla-swirl ice cream cone with son Dalton, 2. “I though there would have been a lot more people here today.”
Ward Hall, dean of American sideshow 'talkers,' explains how he entices fair patrons into the "World of Wonders." Videotaped at New Jersey State Fair at Meadowlands and at Hall's home in Gibsonton, FL, by Lane Talburt.
Kellam Bermudez narrowly escapes serious injury after being shot out of cannon on Cole Bros. Circus in early summer 2010..Lane Talburt
Circus fans and city officials bring Cole Bros. Circus to Meriden, Connecticut, for two-day stand in summer 2010. Lane Talburt
Spearheaded by executive producer David King, the UK showbiz whiz who brought us the hit productions Spirit of the Dance and The Twelve Tenors, it is no wonder the show has been successful.
BALANCING ACT: Strong man Tang Guocheng keeps fellow muscleman Su Wu afloat Pictures: MARIOLA BIELA
It was a treat to witness the sheer, unbridled awe of the underprivileged children who saw the show free on Mandela Day. It showed that no matter how much gadgets and gizmos creep into our lives, there's still no substitute for the raw power and immediacy of a live show.
In the case of Le Grand Cirque, it's certainly a case of show business meeting the Big Top.
It blends deftly choreographed circus routines with dramatic classical music, pulsing lighting effects, exquisite costumes and a touch of pizzazz to produce pure dynamite.
And there isn't an animal in sight.
This show is all about the human animal as we marvel at how these specimens of Homo sapiens push themselves to the limits of endurance and ability.
Bending, tumbling, contorting, balancing, soaring - it is clear they are not only stretching themselves physically, but mentally, as well.
Imagine the concentration required to perform dangerous stunts in front of 1000 people every night.
Most adults and children will not be bored for a second .
Almost every act is a showstopper, from the gravity-defying grace of the acrobats and the sexy hula-hooper in her hot pants to the clever neon-lighting illusion. The bells and whistles that make this a visual and aural banquet are mere embellishment, because at the show's core is the incredible artistry, skill and pursuit of perfection of the mainly Asian cast.
In fact, one of the most striking acts is a model of simplicity, in which two men, clad only in white shorts, are framed in muscular silhouette as they undertake breathtaking feats of strength, balancing and poise.
People, animals die in circus train collision
ZLATI MEYER from: freep.com
Twenty-two people, three camels and an elephant were killed when two circus trains collided near Durand on Aug. 7, 1903. A 22 car train collided with a 16-car train, both carrying the Wallace Brothers Circus, as they began their trip along the Grand Trunk Railroad to Lapeer County for the next performance, according to the Durand Union Station Michigan Railroad History Museum.
Initially, 23 people were assumed dead, but rescuers later found a man pinned under the wreckage.Approximately 40 people were injured. Area doctors and local residents raced to help. A hotel was transformed into a hospital.The circus owner estimated $20,000 in losses.
Less than a month earlier, the Wallace Brothers train had crashed, prompting a member of the circus to say, "I'm through with show business. This is the second wreck I have been in with this company, and the next time it will be the undertaker that will get me, not the hospital."