Saturday, August 20, 2011
Circus Vargas came through town a while back. It had been years since we'd been to the circus so my wife and I decided to go. This is not a big "sports arena" circus like Ringling Brothers. Circus Vargas sets up old fashioned big top tents in a mall parking lot, sometimes has a circus parade, involves the local community and is gone in a few days. (You can see Circus Vargas in action in the 20th Century Fox production Water for Elephants.)
As I was getting the tickets - I had a special deal from Goldstar.com - I noticed that the lady in the ticket booth was made up to the max. She didn't quite know what to do with the Goldstar discount so she called someone. When her supervisor arrived, again I saw more makeup than you find in Macy's. I chalked this up to the general weirdness of the world; kind of like the clerks at Virgin Records who dress up like they're rock stars.

It wasn't till the show was underway that I understood what the layers of Lancome were all about, and why those who work in indie film can take a cue from Vargas.
The ticket sellers were also in the show. And not once, but several times.
If you go to Circus Vargas and watch closely, you'll see that the star of one act has a minor role to play in another. You'll see that everyone is in the chorus line and that the cast includes entire families. The kids, too. Everyone does whatever needs to be done to make the show a success. No union restrictions on jobs at this circus.
You may be thinking, "Last time I worked on a video, it was a circus", but take these hints from Circus Vargas anyway. Work with multi-talented people who are dedicated to getting your project done, not to feeding their egos. While you're on location, involve local people (most everyone can act with good direction). Plan to set-up, do your production, and move on quickly. And, most importantly, treat everyone like family.You're the ringmaster. Make your next production the greatest show on earth!Read more: http://blogcritics.org/video/article/circus-vargas-and-indie-film/#ixzz1VZ0htbrf

Friday, August 19, 2011
For the Daily Gate City
In America today, there remains only one big-tented circus, which manages to maintain a traditionally demanding road schedule.
It’s the all new 75th edition of the Carson & Barnes Circus, bringing almost 100 performers and animals to the old Keokuk Middle School grounds at 14th and Main streets in Keokuk on Friday, Sept. 2, with shows at 4:30 and 7:30 p.m.
The Keokuk Kiwanis Club will use the event as a fundraiser to support many of its local community projects. In 2011, almost $500,000 dollars was raised for local hosts.
Carson & Barnes Circus travels with its city-block-long tent to some 200 towns and cities each 10-month season. Emphasis this year is on a new concept in circus presentation, which blends more than eight decades of circus tradition and family ownership with new acts and up-close audience viewing.
While other circuses have reduced their size and schedule, Carson & Barnes is still the only organization capable of moving such a huge show to a new site nearly every day, seven days a week.read more: http://www.dailygate.com/articles/2011/08/19/news/dgc933652.txt

Adrienn Banhegyi , a performer with 'Quidam,' demonstrates her jump-roping skills near downtown Baltimore. (Courtesy of Cirque du Soleil / August 19, 2011)
The 27-year-old, Hungarian-born champion jump-roper was last seen in the Cirque du Soleil production of "Wintuk" in New York City. Locals can look for her as a headliner in the latest traveling edition, "Quidam," coming to Baltimore's 1st Mariner Arena Aug. 24 to 28.
Banhegyi will be taking the part in the show of another champion rope-jumper, who just happens to be her sister.
"I am replacing my sister, who is taking a break from performing," said the petite performer.
During a special preview in Baltimore, Banhegyi demonstrated her skipping talent for local reporters, encouraging each to take a turn at jumping with her.
The stunt made the point that perfect jump-ropers may be born rather than made.read more:http://www.baltimoresun.com/explore/howard/events-entertainment/ph-ho-cirque-du-soleil-20110819,0,5277185.story
MARSHFIELD — Denise Coppenrath guided a little red wagon along the outskirts of the Marshfield fairgrounds Thursday morning. The two children she had in tow were wide-eyed, entranced by their surroundings.
Jonny, 3, and Sophia, 1, beheld the sights of towering amusement park rides, multi-colored tents, and a team of workers putting the finishing touches on the 144th annual Marshfield Fair, which opens Friday, Aug. 18, for a 10-day run.
“He is already picking out his favorite rides,” Coppenrath, the children’s aunt, said, nodding toward Jonny.
Fair President Leonard LaForest wasn’t in a wagon Thursday, but he identified with the children’s excitement.
“It’s kind of like the culmination you feel on the night before Christmas,” LaForest said. “We’re putting all the last-minute things together, to make sure we have enough of everything and to make sure everything fits.”
LaForest said this year’s advance ticket sales are comparable to last year’s. The turnout is always heavily influenced by the weather, which put a dent in last year’s numbers.
As of Thursday night, the National Weather Service was predicting mostly sunny skies this weekend, with high temperatures in the low to mid-80s.
Several vendors arrived Thursday to set up their tents and booths.
This is the sixth year of working the fair for caricature artist Jason Carrier of Warwick, R.I. His craft has taken him to resorts and theme parks. across the country, including Walt Disney World, where he worked for nine years.
Carrier said the Marshfield Fair is among his favorite destinations.
“It’s fantastic,” he said. “It’s a fun fair and it’s really busy, which is good, business-wise.”
Fair organizers are working closely with the Marshfield Police Department to address public safety issues that can accompany large crowds, specifically traffic issues. LaForest said the fair also employs its own security team to mitigate criminal activity.
“The last year few years we’ve been blessed with no real problems,” he said.
The elephants, camels and tigers were out for people to see, but the special treat was watching Lisa the elephant help pull up the poles on the 6,000-pound circus tent.
Ryan Garza The Flint Journal Jim Staley, of Flushing, and his grandson Owen Perry look at elephants as the Kelly Miller Circus sets up in Riverview Park in Flushing on Thursday.
"We came out to see the elephants. ... We didn't see them raise the tent before," said Ellen Hulet, 69. "How often do we see animals from the jungle. ... I think there is a kid in all of us."
This is the fifth year the Flushing Lions Club has hosted the Kelly Miller Circus in the city. The two shows Thursday take place at 4:30 and 7:30 p.m. each lasting about two read more: http://www.mlive.com/news/flint/index.ssf/2011/08/flushing_residents_watch_eleph.html
Friday, August 19, 2011
Circus Host Melody Ramirez said the show features clowns, all kinds of animals and trapeze artists who fly through the air without nets to catch them.

Ramirez said the circus is becoming a family tradition at the fair. Deborah Smith has been bringing 3-year-old Claire to the circus since she was a baby.

Was able to visit Peru, Ind, Aug.10, and my first stop was Circus City Festival Inc grounds. I had the good fortune to meet Tim Bessignano, Museum & Exhibits VP, who was working in the Wagon Shop. I first spied the Steam Calliope and truck, and Tim confirmedthat this was the steam calliope I had last seen in Aug of 1993, at CHF, also in Peru, Ind. The calliope was acquired , and has been fullly restored, by CCFI. It is operational, and has been converted to propane fuel. I believe that this calliope was on King BrosCircus in 1936.
Tim showed me Cole Bros wagon #18, which has been restored by CCFI. This wagon was on Christy Bros Circus, and wasacquired from the Paul Kelly farm, also in Peru. Photos #5 & 6
This was the first time I had visited Circus City Festival ficilities, and I did not know that they were engaged in any other activities then the Youth Circus and the Circus Parade held in July of each year. The next time you visit Peru, stop at the CCFI building andgrounds, and have Tim Bessignano give you a tour so you can appreciate all the fine work they are doing. Bill Prickett
Circus comes to Newark, DE this weekend

The Discovery Centre for Upper Canada Village and Crysler Heritage Park is now open. This facility is set up prior to entering either Upper Canada Village or Crysler Park and commemorates Canada's early people and the War of 1812. Displays remind visitors of the significance of the battle that secured Canada's freedom as a nation.
"The Upper Canada Village Discovery Centre is the single largest investment in Upper Canada Village since it opened 50 years ago," said Susan Le Clair, the customer service and corporate communications manager for the St. Lawrence Parks Commission.

Le Clair explained that $13 million paid for the miniature train, the audio on the train, the outdoor presentation at Crysler Farm, the Discovery Centre and gift shop.
The Discovery Centre features new state of the art interactive exhibits that help to tell the fascinating stories about life along the St. Lawrence River.
"You can step through a fog wall into the War of 1812 exhibit and watch an exciting audio-visual show about the importance of the Battle of Crysler's Farm," described Le Clair. "Many authentic artifacts are on display for the first time. And a new "Touch Table" game illustrates the history of the region and the St. Lawrence River during the 20th century including the Seaway & Power Project."
She said the Discovery Centre links the story back to the St. Lawrence River and its changing role - from settlement along the river, the strategic importance of the river, commerce and transportation.
The Travelling Tiltons - the hilarious 1860s minstrel troupe entertained audiences with their comedy, melodrama, singing and lively instrumental music. They stationed themselves so that they could "comically accost" visitors as they entered the heritage carnival. READ MORE:http://www.emcstlawrence.ca/20110818/news/Upper+Canada+Village+continues+to+be+hub+of+activity

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Riley Mantermach, 5, of Stevens Point, gets a big grin from the tiger face Circus World�s Roger the Clown painted on him Wednesday afternoon.
Through the end of July, a tally by the State Historical Society of Wisconsin reports that almost 40,000 people visited Circus World, Executive Director Steve Freese said Wednesday afternoon. That is down about 7.8 percent from 43,300 visitors during the same period of 2010.
However, revenue generated by the visitors is up 10.7 percent, from $484,500 to date in 2010 to $536,000 through July 2011, he said.

Freese noted that part of the reason for the drop in attendance and rise in revenue is that more visitors are paying for their tickets, rather than using buy one-get-one-free tickets from promotional offers.
People also are buying more food while on the museum grounds (up 10 percent), and sales in the museum shop have risen 13 percent, according to the report.
"When we're getting our visitors here, they're staying longer, enjoying the show and spending more money," Freese said.
Freese said the slow economy is likely one factor behind the drop in attendance. However, because of special events - such as Baraboo National Bank's customer appreciation day or weddings held on the grounds - attendance varies widely from one week to the other in any given year.
"Normally what you have to do is to look at the end of the year, when all the performance aspects are over," he said. "Then it's all balanced out."
Circus World is part of a system of sites operated by the State Historical Society of Wisconsin. They include the H.H. Bennett Studio in Wisconsin, Villa Louis in Prairie du Chien and Old World Wisconsin near Eagle.
The historic sites are generally doing well despite the slow economy, said Steve Lightbourn, marketing director for the society,
"Almost all of them are hitting their revenue numbers, which is surprising," he said. "What we think it is, and what we try to get across to our visitors, is (that) we do provide a good value."
Freese said annual efforts to raise community support for Circus World have gone very well this year.
For example, the Circus of Chefs Gala in June brought in $209,000 - $59,000 more than the goal.
During production of the circus-theme romance film "Water for Elephants" last year, Freese said Circus World provided 15 circus wagons, historic photographs and other support. The museum received about $365,000 for its contributions to the film, which covered costs (including about $155,000 for restoring wagons used as props) and some net income.
Freese encouraged visitors to see the new "Water for Elephants" exhibit in the museum's Deppe Wagon Pavilion. It includes wagons used in the film, pictures Freese took on the set and his video of behind-the scenes activities.
"It is a pretty incredible exhibit," he said.
The company is extending an invitation to the discharged officers and their families as a token of appreciation for their service to the Police Department.
In June, 66 officers were dismissed due to San Jose's $115 million budget deficit. It was the first time in the Police Department's history that officers were laid off.
Brian Crawford Scott, the ringmaster and a native of San Jose, will honor the discharged officers with a welcoming speech prior to a 7:30 p.m. performance of the company's new production, "Fully Charged."
The event will kick off with an all access pre-show party at 6:30 p.m.
"Fully Charged" will play at the HP Pavilion through Sunday before moving on to the Cow Palace in Daly City from Sept. 1 through Sept. 5.
Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey will conclude the Bay Area portion of its tour at Oakland's Oracle Arena from Sept. 8 through Sept. 11.

But as recounted in a lawsuit filed July 1 in the Richland County Court of Common Pleas, things went awry on the afternoon of Oct. 12, 2008, when Brenda K. Summers and her husband attempted to board the ride.
According to the complaint filed by Charleston attorney W. Mullins McLeod Jr., Summers tripped and fell on a raised board on the walkway while boarding the ride.
She tried to break her fall by reaching out and steadying herself on the side of the ride; however, as she did so, the handrail on the ride gave way and slammed down, catching her hand and mangling her right ring finger.
“Thinking her finger had been severed, Summers asked an attendant to unlock the bar carefully as she did not want her finger to fall into the ride,” the complaint reads.
Summers was treated for injuries to her right hand, right arm and collarbone.
At the same time Summers’ lawsuit was filed, South Carolina officials were moving to tighten ride inspection standards in the wake of a March miniature train crash in Spartanburg that left the 6-year-old son of a local pastor dead and 28 others — most of them children — injured.
In June, the Spartanburg County Coroner’s Office said its investigation found that excessive speed caused the fatal derailment. But a state amusement ride inspector also admitted he’d falsified an inspection report, clearing the train for operation even though it had a dead battery at the time of the inspection.

Mitchell Brothers Amusements will be providing the rides for the 102nd event as they have for the past several years.
Kosciusko-Attala Development Corporation Vice President and fair organizer said each year the amusement company brings in an assortment of rides for a variety of ages.
The Kids Zone can be found inside the Attala County Coliseum with activities for children ages 6-12 on Wednesday – Fridayº.
This portion of the fair is being hosted by the Oprah Winfrey Boys and Girls Club.
Iretis Mallett, the club’s program director, said there will be an area for competitions in basketball, jump rope and hula hoop.
A mechanical bull and a bungy jump will highlight the event.
Other groups have planned to set up with activities.
Thursday night, a fair staple – The Corporate Sports Challenge will be held in the riding area where Dickerson Petroleum, Montfort Jones Memorial Hospital, Kosciusko Medical Clinic, Wal-Mart, Swoll’s Gym, Ruff Around the Edges Sawmill, M&F Bank and Britt Barnes Realty Group will compete in a series of organized events for a trophy.
Teams will go through the following events: Ping Pong Push, Rump Shaker Kentucky Derby, Watermelon Relay and Obstacle Course Relay.
Carnival rides continue on Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
The Fairest of the Fair Pageant will be Friday night at 7 p.m. on the coliseum stage followed by Carthage Jubilee performing at 8 p.m. on the fairgrounds.
Saturday night’s main event will be “Smackdown in K-Town” presented by MS Championship Wrestling.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Growing up in South Carolina, he is in his eighth year of clowning for a circus, having spent five years with Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey right after high school.
He was in Aurora on Aug. 3, when the KM Circus played two late afternoon/evening shows as a fundraiser for the W.K. Ricksecker Masonic Lodge.
He joked that he wanted a job where no one respects him.
"At age 8, I gave my first performance at church," he said. "Then at 12, I started performing at birthday parties, festivals and carnivals. It was then that I realized what I wanted to do."
He said he was a fairly shy kid and was a "very good" student in school.
"My folks wanted me to go to college," he said. "I got a scholarship and attended for one semester, but then thought 'I have plenty of time to do this; right now I'd rather pursue my dream.'"
He sent a resume to Ringling Bros. and was offered a job even before he graduated from high school. He finally accepted the offer in 2002 after going off to college for that one semester.
After ending his stint with RB&BB, he performed at a theme park in China and tried a few other entertainment jobs before joining with Ryan Combs three years ago to form KM's clown team.
HE SAID HE had worked with Combs at RB&BB.
"I'm more comfortable at a small circus and the pay is better here than at RB&BB," he said. "And I enjoy performing under the tent rather than in large arenas."
He said he enjoys making people laugh, and he plans to stay in the entertainment field. He said if he ever returns to college, he probably will study theater.
"All the traveling we do doesn't bother me," Copeland said. "I prefer traveling the short distances we do each day instead of the long trips we took on a train from one large city to another with RB&BB."
Copeland, who is single, said he knows somebody in just about every state, and keeps in touch with many people he's met via email.
He pulls his camping trailer with a pickup truck from location to location, and enjoys surfing the Internet, reading and exploring the towns the circus visits.
"There are some times when we set up at locations 5 or 6 miles from a small town, and I don't get the opportunity to explore the towns as I'd like to," he noted.
The Kelly Miller Circus is owned by John Ringling North II, the son of John Ringling North, who once owned the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus. He took over Kelly Miller in 2006.
After the performances in Aurora, KM moved on to Sagamore Hills, Avon and out to the Toledo area. The circus' season usually ends in early November.
Masonic Lodge organizer Tony Marotta said after the shows that the lodge hopes to book the circus for a return to the city next summer.
You’ll be able to see some of these wonderful acts Wednesday, Aug. 24, and Thursday, Aug. 25, when the Cole Bros. Circus of the Stars, billed as the world’s largest circus under the big top, returns to the Devon Horse Show Grounds.

The people at Cole Bros. are understandably proud of their entertaining acts. But they are also proud of their history and for keeping alive a great tradition.
Legendary animal trainer Clyde Beatty was a featured performer (and part owner) of Cole Bros. Circus in the 1930s. The most famous circus clown of them all, Emmett Kelly, was on the Cole Bros. roster at one time, as were the Cristiani Family bareback riders. The renowned wire-walking act the Great Wallendas and a young aerialist named Burt Lancaster also appeared in the Cole Bros. tent.
As far as tradition is concerned, while the only other big circus remaining in the U.S., Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey, hasn’t used a tent in a long time, Cole Bros. still does — something it has done, according to Cole Bros. marketing director Mario Vitali, for the 127 years of its existence.

So for the eighth straight year, as Vitali pointed out, 40 trucks and RVs, carrying 100 people, 35 to 40 animals and one extremely large tent (seating capacity: 2,300) will be arriving in Devon for an exciting, fun-packed couple of days. It is the continuation of Cole Bros. Circus’ annual trek, which begins in March in DeLand, Fla., heads up to New England, then back down the coast again, ending back in Florida around Thanksgiving.
As always, there will be lots of excitement and plenty of laughs — more than enough, Vitali says, to make anyone’s visit a memorable one, especially if you are a kid, which is just what the people at Cole Bros. love to see.read more:http://www.montgomerynews.com/articles/2011/08/16/entertainment/doc4e4a96a943923478889285.txt
Published: Tuesday, August 16, 2011
"When you're around it every day, it just becomes part of your life," Tierney said of John MacKay's 1,200-piece display, now on exhibit at the Castle Museum of Saginaw County History.
"We just thought everyone had a circus in their house. It seemed natural."
But visitors to "Under the Big Top," which includes the late Mackay's workbench where he worked up to 40 hours on the circus miniatures, will understand Tierney's new appreciation and her eagerness to share it through a traveling exhibit.
"My dad was born in 1901, not far from the circus grounds in Syracuse, New York," she said. "Back then, it was a big deal when the circus came to town — there wasn't a lot of entertainment available — and his father would always take him and his brother to the show
"He liked to work with wood, though I'm not sure if he had carved before,” she said. “But in 1946, he met a man from the Circus Model Builders and that's when it all came together."
The organization had a "ring," as chapters were called, in Newark, and by 1966, he had finished most of his 28-foot-by-4-foot display.
"But you know how it goes with hobbies; he kept adding more," Tierney said. "I love the stories that go with the scenes. The people in the group really did their research, and my dad would use pictures from the circus to get an accurate feel to it."
One he depicts is a circus wagon that was mired in mud after a heavy rain. The circus people first added another hitch to the wagon, and then, when that didn't work, brought an elephant around to pull it out.
"In the parade, look for George Washington and generals Lee and Grant," she said. "Annie Oakley and Buffalo Bill Cody are in the Wild West part. It's all very unique, being in the same scale and hand-carved.
"It's a piece of art."read more:http://www.mlive.com/entertainment/saginaw/index.ssf/2011/08/under_the_big_top.html
The Kelly Miller Circus will be in town.
The Flushing Lions Club will be hosting the event for the fifth year on Thursday and Dave Woods, circus chairman, said it gives residents an up close and personal experience.
"The really thing about it is ... you can sit within 15 or 20 feet from the performers. You're practically right on top of it," he said. "I think that's the thing that really blows people apart."
There will be a show at 4:30 and 7:30 p.m. Thursday at Riverview Park, 230 S. Cherry St., in downtown Flushing. Each show is about an hour and a half long, Woods said.
Tickets cost $6 for children or $10 for adults if bought before the event. Tickets can be bought at the Flushing Chamber of Commerce office, 133 E. Main St., Main Street Treasures, 118 E. Main St., Flushing A, 200 S. Cherry St., Century 21, 720 E. Main St., Bueche's Food World, 300 W. Main St., and with any Lions Club member.
The circus' box office opens at 10 a.m. Thursday and tickets bought the day of the event increase to $7 for children — 11 or younger — and $15 for adults.
Set up starts about 8:30 a.m. with the tent being raised at 9 a.m. Woods said up is a sight to see and usually hundreds of people show up to watch.
The rumor spread quickly: The circus was coming to town!
More specifically, a circus train. Not just belonging to any circus, but the famed Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus — the Greatest Show on Earth. The performers, animals and rest of the cast were on a train heading up the coast and would reportedly make a special stop at the station in San Luis Obispo. Maybe the elephants would be led out of their train car for a walk and water. Or so spread the story. Expected arrival was 3 p.m. But that came and went — and then more time slipped by.
Finally, at 7 p.m., the initial crowd having dwindled to just a couple dozen, a train horn blared, and the silver cars of Barnum & Bailey came into view. People clapped with anticipation.
The engine pulling the long procession went past the station and kept going. Viewers on the Jennifer Street Bridge, armed with cameras, waited for the train to stop and hoped to get a glimpse of a tiger, or a thin man, or a flame eater.
But as quickly as it arrived, the circus rolled on by, and a train horn sounded, signalling there’d be no stop today.
Read more: http://www.sanluisobispo.com/2011/08/16/1719268/ringling-bros-barnum-bailey-slo.html#ixzz1VHTNsziI
Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Other acts in the Loritz Circus include the Royal Kenyan acrobats who perform rhythmic acrobatic balancing acts.Kenyan acrobat Peter Ngigi said spending the past three years in the circus had been a great experience."I get to travel everywhere. We've mostly toured in Queensland and New Zealand. It's great fun,," he said.The Loritz Circus show Out of Africa performs without caged or exotic animals, with the exception of miniature ponies.Regular performances in the big top can be seen from Wednesday to Sunday next to the Alexandra Hills Hotel until August 21.

HAINES CITY -- Legendary trapeze artist, Tony Steele has decided to make East Polk County his home. Known as one of the best high-fliers in the world, Steele, 75, could have picked anywhere on the globe to live, but said he likes the peace and quite of Polk County and enjoys his central location in Haines City.
"I've worked all over the globe," Steele said. "Vegas, Japan, Germany. I've been on about 40 different shows between Europe and Asia."
At the age of 15 in 1951, Steele left his home in Boston with his mother's blessings to fulfill his dream of being in the circus, which came from watching a Ringling Brothers show.

Trapeze artist, Tony Steele, strikes a pose mid-air on the flying trapeze at his Hanies City home. Steele, 74, began his career at the age of 15. Friday July 22, 2011.
The circus took in "dreamer" Steele, but only as a "roustabout," giving him jobs like painting wheels on circus trucks and other maintenance duties. Steele continued to perfect his single trapeze act during his breaks, and persistence and his dreaming both paid off.
"Mr. Gray had an act missing in one of the shows, so I filled in. After that, he said I wouldn't be a stagehand anymore," Steele said. "He told me he would give me $100 a week. I told him, I wanted $300 a week and I got it."
After years of flying and styling for audiences across the globe, Steele landed a spot in the Guinness Book of World Records when he became the first trapeze artist to complete 3 1/2 back somersaults to a legs catch while performing in Durango, Mexico, in 1962.
They had just packed up from another fair in Queen Anne’s County the night before, and Sunday’s contest in Manassas was to be their fourth of the season, with at least as many more planned. Anna started off with one rabbit eight years ago and — you know what they say about bunnies — now has 30, too many to name. After retiring her past winners, this season Anna is counting on a new crop of does, with their nails trimmed and fur brushed, to bring home the blue ribbon.
When they arrived in Manassas — just in time to cage the black, brown and white animals before the judging about 1 p.m. — the skies had mostly cleared, and thousands of people were flocking to the county fairgrounds for Sunday’s half-price family special.
The fair, which calls itself Virginia’s largest, runs through the end of the week and is part of the season of rides, carnivals and agricultural shows across the region, including the Montgomery County Agricultural Fair, also this week.
Last year’s family day drew 16,000, said Catherine Clemen, president of the Veterans Farm Club, which sponsors the Prince William fair. But with Sunday’s weather, she said she would be happy to see 10,000. “If it rains like it did this morning I’m going to cry,” she said.PLENTY MORE TO SEE & READ AT:http://www.washingtonpost.com/local/at-prince-william-county-fair-agriculture-shows-clown-dunking-and-rides/2011/08/14/gIQAo4riFJ_story.html
Hosted by the Westland Jaycees, the Kelly Miller Circus will take over the parking lot between the Bailey Recreation Center and 18th District Court for performances at 4:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m.
“The biggest reason we're doing this is as a fund-raiser — 100 percent of the profits will go back into the city. We've waived our management fee,” said Harold Christian, Westland Jaycees Community Development vice president.
Among the intended recipients of Westland Jaycees' fund-raising are scholarships for a male and female Wayne Westland Schools student, donations to the Michigan Humane Society, St. Jude Children's Hospital and cancer awareness programs.
It's been about 20 years since Westland has had this type of event, said Christian, who as Redford Jaycees president ran the circus fund-raiser for that group for seven years.
As it happens, the Kelly Miller Circus will be in Redford for two performances Monday before moving on to Westland for the Tuesday shows. Based in Hugo, Okla., the Kelly Miller Circus has been performing since 1938.read more: http://www.hometownlife.com/article/20110814/NEWS24/108140495
That’s Cirque, as in Cirque du Soleil, the international circus juggernaut that rolled out of Baie-Saint-Paul, Quebec in the early ’80s, set on selling its own unique vision of circus entertainment to the world.
And that’s Lepage, as in Robert Lepage, the Quebec-based visionary whose imagination has turned modern theatres into houses of wonder, returning to the Cirque fold on the heels of a successful collaboration in 2004 titled Ka.
This time out, they have come together to create Totem — and for those still considering a trip down to the Port Lands off Cherry Street, where Totem opened last week under the Grande Chapiteau, perhaps what you most need to know is that it aims at nothing less than telling the story of the evolution of mankind.
Of course, it is full of trademark Cirque moments, courtesy of daring young men (and women) on flying trapezes, Russian bars and unicycles, with a coterie of jugglers, acrobats, dancers and, of course, clowns (a rather lacklustre bunch, this time out) thrown in for good measure.read more: http://www.torontosun.com/2011/08/14/totem-rises-high-in-cirque-tent