"Didn't know Roberts Bros. had and arena cat act....remember Connie Dam and Dick Stuart with their cats....But, never and arena act on the show....Learn something new everyday thanks to circus blogs..."
"Dick Dykes Rocks! Have a Center Ring Birthday..........."
From my Facebook Page
I remenber when Connie and Helga had their leashed
cat act. In fact it was the last one they (Roberts Bros.) ever had,
due to an accident and insurance costs.
As for my Birthday I'd just as soon forget it!
But I appreciate your thinking of Me!
Actually, that's not true. Roberts Bros did some dates for Ron Morris (which is probably what these pictures are from. Ron brought in a cage act. Although I can clearly picture the act, I don't remember the guy's name. He also brought in Ben Williams and the Anna Mae solo, along with the 3 act.