ELEPHANT ENCOUNTER is an educational and entertaining experience for the entire family, as we guide you through an up close and personal encounter with the worlds largest animals. No place, anywhere, will you see elephants like you are going to see here at the fair.
You’ll be inspired as you experience the full force of each elephant’s unique individual personality. We are lucky to have both species of elephants. Cora is a 49-year-old Asian elephant, weighing in at 9000 pounds and Shannon our 25-year-old African elephant, weighing in at 4500.
This could change the way you think and feel about these magnificent creatures forever. These are not circus elephants, nor are they zoo elephants. They are family elephants and have been owned and cared for by the Morris family for virtually their entire lives. A family who represents 3 generations who have dedicated their entire lives to the study and care of these elephants. Location: Kiddie Ride Section at the west end of the Fairground