DICK: Like your BLOG and have recommended to others.........If possible can you add to your links the following two groups. OABA www.oaba.org Circus Fans Association circusfans.org ......These are the main groups that finically are doing something to keep animals in the industry. OABA Circus Funds and Circus Fans Association raise thousands of dollars each year. I will be sending you at various times PRESS RELEASE and news items from these two groups.....I'm very active in both and do the pushing to give...OABA spent at the past few months $3,000.00 in New York alone on the Elephant contact problem....The Carnival Members associated with OABA have given thousands of dollars and support THE OABA Circus Unit...Currently Wayne McCary, BIG-E President will raise thousands at the BIG-E for the OABA Circus Unit....These members of these groups do put out money to support the present animal issues....We need all the help that we can get...Our good friend BILLY BURR, OABA Trustee - 1990 continue to support the OABA Circus Animal Fund.David P. Orr, OABA Circus Fan Representtive CFA District Director NY, NJ, PA CFA Circus Relations / Animal Committee SPANGLES Director Volunteer Marketing Group
Steve Smith and Tim Torkildson
Tim Torkildson and Steve Smith when they were working as Goodwill
Ambassadors for the Greatest Show on Earth
5 days ago
I'll certainly add a link on my blog as well. Also, I just did a little ad vor Spangles as well.
ReplyDeleteAdaline adaliner.vox.com