Dick... these are some things they sell at the Tlaxcala State Fair (food items) that are popular... Bunuelo stand... a sort of a crispy fried elephant ear ...they put syrup or honey on it.($1 dollar).Churro stand...churros look like a stick shaped doughnut...sometimes they have centers filled with chocolate or vanilla cream.(about 4 for a dollar)Also they had baked plantains (bananas) with cream & sugar ($1 dollar)Arabian Tacos... my favorite.. looks like a gyro..but they serve it on a thick flour tortilla and smother it with chipotle chili sauce.. (about $1.25). oh yeh! its hot for a gringo...but I've built up a resistance. If the U.S. Health Dept would allow it ...it would be one hell of a joint.Arabian Tacos got started around this area about 60 years ago...theres a large Lebanese population...they've been here since early 1900's...they've been Mexicanized. Take Care...(or as my buddy Jack the Ripper sez... take it anyway you can get it!!!...Bob
Cirque du Desperate? Show Now Touts Story Line and Paper Animals, Leaves
Critics in a Muddle ...
Oh, those glorious days gone by when Cirque du Soleil need only post its
name in suave newspaper ads, and the world would storm the phones to secure
14 hours ago
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