Legendary Breakthrough at the Circus--- Dancing At Last Holds Its Own
How could it be? How could a group of dancers ever hold their own against,
if not exceed the talents of the best circus acts on the bill?
Mine eyes have...
4 days ago
Dick... back in the '70s, dont ask me what town or what year... thats all a blur now, but one morning we unspooled the tent and when we took the first fold..there was a kid in the canvas... I thought he was dead but he was asleep. when the tent got folded the night before he had tripped and got covered up, lucky for him (and the show) it was on the end and the last fold, otherwise he would've been crushed & smothered. In the excitement of teardown no one noticed. We gave the kid twenty bucks & put him on a bus back to the last town . That would probably be cause for a big lawsuit these days, I can just hear the lawyer now saying "psychological damages".