Hello DickFirst to say your site always has some interesting items to view. Good work!
Second, could you give out a little info on my book to the circus fans. The book website is www.freewebs.com/circusdays2005.
'Wild Animal Circus -True tales from the Carson & Barnes Circus. Published May 2009 and available only from the webpage.Thanks for your time. Regards, Dennis J. Younger
The expression is 'No HOLDS barred' - a wrestling term. LOL
ReplyDeleteTrue, but this is circus and not wrestling.
ReplyDeleteIf the reader were to peek under the sidewall, no holes would be barred to his/her vision and understanding of circus life in the 1970's. Now sit down and enjoy your popcorn. It is circusday under a big top somewhere. Dennis
How did wrestling become a subject of this post?